Specialty Contact Lenses

At Blackstone Eye Center, We fit specialty contact lenses such as scleral lenses and RGPS for our patients.

Schedule today for your next fit!

What are specialty contact lenses?

Specialty contact lenses are custom contact lenses made from scratch to suit your needs. They can be large hard lenses, soft lenses, or a hybrid lens. These lenses are inserted, removed, and handled differently from standard contact lenses.

Do i need specialty contact lenses?

Specialty contact lenses are an option for people who cannot obtain clear vision with glasses. They are used to treat a variety of diseases such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, and severe dry eye. Specialty contacts provide better vision than glasses in these scenarios.

Schedule a contact lens exam at BEC now.

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Trooper, PA 19403 6107085834 6107085835 West Chester Trooper